Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Quickest Way to Reduce Stomach Fat

When it comes to the stomach, the goal is not to actually tone belly fat; it is to tone the abdominal muscles and burn belly fat. Although specific ab exercises are part of this game plan, you also have to take your diet into consideration. Poor eating habits likely caused the fat to appear, and good eating habits can make it go away.

Cut Back on Calories

To lose fat in your stomach, you have to take the steps to lose weight in general because you can't spot-reduce fat deposits. You can make a lot of progress with this goal by not eating as many daily calories. A 500- to 1,000-calorie daily reduction can lead to about 1 to 2 lbs. of weight loss per week. Being that you want to tone your stomach quickly, opt for the higher reduction.

Energy Density of Foods

Foods have either a high or low energy density. Candy bars, doughnuts, hot wings, cheesecake and french fries are common examples of high energy density foods. These contain a lot of calories with little volume. Low energy density foods, however, are low in calories and take up a lot of volume. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating low energy density foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains to lose weight. These foods tend to take longer to chew as well, which can help prevent you from overeating. You do not have to only eat low energy density foods, but make them the foundation of your diet.

Eat Snacks

Waiting for long periods of time between meals can be dangerous when you are trying to tone your belly. If you get excessively hungry, you might reach for something unhealthy to satisfy your appetite, or you may overeat at your next meal. To prevent this from happening, eat small, healthy snacks between meals. All you need is something to take the edge off your hunger. An apple with half a handful of walnuts is a quick, easy snack example.

Sprint Training

Sprint training is a form of cardiovascular exercise that helps you burn calories. What makes sprinting a good option for a toned stomach is that your metabolism stays elevated when you are finished. This is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. As an added benefit, you have to forcefully contract your abs to generate power while you sprint so you get an ab workout as well. Start out with a light five-minute jog, then sprint as fast as you can for 20 seconds. Either stop completely or jog lightly for 40 seconds, then repeat the whole process.

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting helps you achieve a toned stomach because of the metabolic effect it causes. When you gain muscle, your body has to burn more calories to keep it preserved. This, in turn, should lead to faster weight loss and a thinner abdominal region. Focus on doing compound exercises that work more than one muscle at a time. Bench presses, shoulder presses, back rows, dips, lunges and deadlifts are examples.

Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal exercises help tone and tighten your midsection muscles while you burn the fat that surrounds them. Perform exercises that target your lower abs, upper abs and obliques to get the best results. Lying leg lifts, hip thrusts, side bends, air bikes and sit-ups are examples.

For more information, see:

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